Why you should upgrade to GTA V PS4 or Xbox One or PC

There are a number of terrific additions to this next generation version of Grand Theft Auto V. You may know that there are things like greater draw distances, more traffic, and other expected goodies. Here is a breakdown of what really matters. These things are value added and should help you decide whether or not to upgrade to a PS4, PC, or Xbox One version.

  • New weapons – You can enjoy a new way to blow things up real good. The rail gun is going to blow up pesky things in the game real good. If you like chopping, you will be happy with the hatchet. I don’t need to explain usages of a hatchet do I?
  • First person mode – This can be activated simply and quickly whenever you desire. This can give you amazing new perspective when driving vehicles for example.
  • GTA Online – You will be able to have 30 players in online games. This is a great addition if you think about long lasting appeal. This game will continue to thrive online for a long time to come. Having larger amounts of players will enhance the experience in a big way.
  • New Missions – Even if you’ve played GTA V on PS3 and Xbox 360, you will find more missions for each of the characters in this next gen version of the game.
  • Stock Car Races – If you liked the racing and driving aspect of GTA 5, here is some more to enjoy. These stock car races allow you to unlock new muscle cars in the game.
  • Double the props in the creator tool
  • New customization options in the character creator
  • More animals
  • Xero Blimp – more mobile, more fun, enjoy the eye candy of your surroundings
  • More songs – Rockstar have added more than 160 new tracks!


One Response to Why you should upgrade to GTA V PS4 or Xbox One or PC

  1. Josh December 19, 2014 at 3:28 am #

    Cant wait for this to drop on the pc. Im buying a 980 just for the heavy mods!!!

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