GTA 5 Wanted Level – A guide to everything you need to know

Obviously being a bad guy is what Grand Theft Auto V is all about. With that comes the wanted level. The badder you are, the greater the wanted level and with that comes a whole host of in-game stressors. Wanted levels are a core gameplay feature in GTA games and in V, the wanted levels take on a whole new challenge. Computer AI is smarted so you’re going to have to be more clever and sneaky. Have no fear, we’re here to help.

Obviously the game isn’t released yet so we can only offer up a few snippets based on the limited official details released on various websites and by Rockstar.

Overiew: How does the wanted level work in Grand Theft Auto 5

  • your level will be on a scale of one to five stars, with five being the most wanted level
  • your wanted level will be a part of some missions. More details on how your wanted levels regarding missions will be coming starting September 17th
  • common sense dictates how quickly your wanted level goes up. In other words, are you assaulting people in plain view of others? Obviously messing with a police officer is rated as more serious than messing with a random pedestrian.

One Star Wanted Level

You can achieve a one star wanted level by low level activity. In general, messing with civilians are being rowdy in public will result in one star. If a civilian witnesses your behavior and calls you in, this will be your wanted level at first.

How to achieve a 1 star wanted level:

  • Bumping in to a police car with your own vehicle
  • Fighting or killing civilians
  • Pulling up behind a police car and honking antagonistically
  • Shooting or causing explosions in public
  • Standing too close to a cop after being warned to move

What happens at the 1 star wanted level:

  • Arrest you (losing cash and all of your ammo, before being let out of the nearest station)
  • If you die with 1 star wanted level, you’ll lose more cash after being let out of the hospital
  • Police will shoot if threatened with a vehicle or weapon
  • Police will try to establish line of sight
  • Will send a helicopter at night to track you

What police vehicles and enforcement will happen during a 1 star wanted level?

  • Maverick helicopter
  • Police cruiser
  • Sheriff cruiser

Two Star Wanted Level

From what we know so far, you will increase from one star to two star if you are unable to get away cleanly and away from the police. (will expand on this in the coming days)

How do I reach a 2 star wanted level? Do some of the following things:

  • Evading the police in a lengthy pursuit
  • Hitting a civilian or another vehicle with your own
  • Threatening police
  • Trespassing in some locations

What happens at the 2 star wanted level:

  •  A lone police officer will call for backup
  • Police attempt to block your vehicle with their cruisers
  • Police drive faster and more aggressively, while continuing to establish line of sight
  • Police open fire immediately
  • Shooting at a cop escalates you to a 3 star wanted level

What police vehicles and enforcement will happen during a 2 star wanted level?

  • Maverick helicopter
  • Police cruiser
  • Sheriff cruiser

Three Star Wanted Level

According to online leaks, it’s pretty clear what will get you a three star level. If you shoot at or kill a police officer you will get getting 3-star. (will authenticate this asap)

How do I achieve a 3 star wanted level? Do one or more of the following:

  • Killing a police officer automatically earns you a 3 star wanted level
  • Trespassing on the airport

What happens while at the 3 star wanted level?

  • If the helicopter spots you, police will move their search to your location
  • Police become more aware of their surroundings, and find better areas to spot you
  • Police drive more aggressively and attempt to ram you
  • Police set up roadblocks
  • Police shoot to kill
  • The extent of the police response pursuing you is increased
  • Two sharpshooters will fire on you from a helicopter

What police vehicles and enforcement will happen during a 3 star wanted level?

  • Maverick helicopter
  • Police cruiser
  • Sheriff cruiser
  • Police transporter
  • Predator boat for water based pursuits

Four Star Wanted Level

Essentially the four star wanted level happens when you push back and battle authorities. If you can’t make your getaway and are forced to defend yourself, that will get you into a pulse racing four star wanted level.

What will happen while at a 4 star wanted level?

  • FIB agents will shoot you from their vehicles
  • Heavily armed and armored police officers arrive
  • Helicopters will send down sharpshooters to join the ground forces
  • Police are joined by the FIB
  • Will chase you anywhere, using tactics and working as a group to find you
  • Will use tear gas to flush you out

What police vehicles and enforcement will happen during a 4 star wanted level?

  • Maverick helicopter
  • Police cruiser
  • Sheriff cruiser
  • Police transporter
  • Predator boat for water based pursuits
  • FIB cruiser
  • Sheriff SUV

Five Star Wanted Level

Simply an escalation of four star wanted level.

What will happen while at a 5 star wanted level?

  • Huge amount of police and FIB agents chasing you
  • Multiple police helicopters will chase you
  • Police will try to disable your vehicle with gunfire, and their own vehicles
  • Random roadblocks

What police vehicles and enforcement will happen during a 4 star wanted level?

  • Maverick helicopter
  • Police cruiser
  • Sheriff cruiser
  • Police transporter
  • Predator boat for water based pursuits
  • FIB cruiser
  • Sheriff SUV
  • Police riot

How do lose your wanted level?

I think this should be relatively obvious. Think real life. Think movies. What do the bad guys do to lose the heat? Obviously the getaway is crucial. If you can get away, the wanted level can decrease. With the customization, I would expect something like vehicle customizations to work also. If police are looking for a red car and you are no longer in a red car? Make sense that your wanted level will go down.

Reports online also suggest that when you acquire a certain wanted level during a mission, you can lose the wanted level after completing the mission.

(updating is in progress…please check back)

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